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FLAME Parent Duties

FLAME is a Co-op (Co-operative).  We require parental cooperation in the following ways when choosing to enroll your children in FLAME:

1.  Serving: FLAME functions as a cooperative effort between families to offer our children the opportunity to participate in classes with other homeschooled youth.   In order for FLAME to run successfully, one or both parents of those enrolled in FLAME must contribute to the operations of FLAME on a regular basis.  In order to facilitate parental involvement, we are requesting one parent to remain on site for at least one class period at each week FLAME is in session OR to serve on a combination of committees, which may include occasionally serving at FLAME.  You may indicate your preference for a regular or variable weekly assignment, and rank your preference for the class periods to stay and help.  We recognize that families have different skills, family responsibilities, and ages of children, and do our best to take into consideration your choices when making assignments, but please understand that we may not be able to meet all preferences.  We expect parents to be flexible, supportive, servant-minded, and helpful in any capacity they are assigned to. 

2.  Fundraising: Engage in fundraising activities to help fund scholarships and keep costs affordable. Each year, FLAME families engage in a variety of fundraising activities to keep tuition costs low, cover administrative expenses, and provide scholarship opportunities.  While participation is not mandatory, FLAME’s continued operation depends on the willingness of its families to help out with fundraising.  Fundraising contributes approximately 10% of the budget for a given year.  If a FLAME family chooses not to participate in fundraising, they may contribute a monetary donation to aid in FLAME expenses.