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Parent Info 2024-25

indicates a required answer

FLAME is a Co-op.  We require parents to participate in the operations of FLAME.  By choosing to enroll your children in FLAME, you are agreeing to help in the following ways:

1.  Serving: FLAME functions as a cooperative effort between families to offer our children the opportunity to participate in classes with other homeschooled youth.   In order for FLAME to run successfully, one or both parents of those enrolled in FLAME must contribute to the operations of FLAME on a regular basis.  In order to facilitate parental involvement, we are requesting one parent to remain on site for at least one class period at each week FLAME is in session OR to serve on a combination of committees, which may include occasionally serving at FLAME.  You may indicate your preference for a regular or variable weekly assignment, and rank your preference for the class periods to stay and help.  We recognize that families have different skills, family responsibilities, and ages of children, and do our best to take into consideration your choices when making assignments, but please understand that we may not be able to meet all preferences.  We expect parents to be flexible, supportive, servant-minded, and helpful in any capacity they are assigned to. See below for more infomation about committees.  

2.  Fundraising: Engage in fundraising activities to help fund scholarships and keep costs affordable. Each year, FLAME families engage in a variety of fundraising activities to keep tuition costs low, cover administrative expenses, and provide scholarship opportunities.  While participation is not mandatory, FLAME’s continued operation depends on the willingness of its families to help out with fundraising.  Fundraising contributes approximately 10% of the budget for a given year.  If a FLAME family chooses not to participate in fundraising, they may contribute a monetary donation to aid in FLAME expenses.



FLAME Volunteer Committee Descriptions

Weekly Commitments: (parents will be assigned one of the following)

  1. Classroom Assistant: Assist the instructors as needed with classroom management and discipline by enforcing behavioral standards according to FLAME policy and also is a second adult in the room for safety.  Classroom assistants are to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of class to help set-up and remain after class to help with clean up. Choir and Drama Classroom Assistants will also assist in any dress rehearsals and performances. Your children may not be with you, (unless enrolled in the class) but supervision is provided in the nursery.

  2. Nursery: Provide supervision for children whose parents are engaged in a FLAME related duty.  This is NOT drop off daycare!  (Parents who have children not in FLAME classes are welcome and encouraged to stay and supervise their children's play.)  This commitment will be for a specific class period or periods each week.  Your children may be with you.

  3. Hall Monitor: Provide an adult presence in the hallways to ensure safety. Also monitor and address any issues with students’ behavior outside of the classroom according to FLAME policy. (may be bi-monthly if there are enough committee members to make this possible).  Your children may be with you.

  4. Set up Crew: Arrive at 8:30am to set up tables, chairs and stored items according to each instructor's needs.  Additionally, set up the study area and welcome desk. (may be bi-monthly if there are enough committee members to make this possible)  Your children may assist/be with you.

  5. Clean up Crew: These families fold and put away tables and chairs and materials that are stored at FLAME between class weeks, collect garbage, etc.  Time frame, typically 20-30 minutes (may be bi-monthly if there are enough committee members to make this possible) Your children may assist/be with you.

Variable Commitments  (parents will be assigned 2 or more of the following)

  1. Art Show Committee: Assist the art instructors in setting up for the Spring Art show and help take art displays down after the show.

  2. Audition Committee: When formal auditions are held, provide assistance and input to Choir Instructors in the selection of soloists, dancers, and actors from varied disciplines (song, drama, dance, etc.). Expertise in a given discipline is helpful, but not required. Whenever possible, all auditions will be held on the same date.

  3. Choreographer (If requested by choir director): Assist by developing and teaching choreography to students for various songs as determined by the choir instructor. Attend any necessary classes, rehearsals and shows.

  4. Costumes/Props/Set Committee: Work under drama instructor(s) and within a predetermined budget to create and/or gather appropriate costumes, settings and props for productions. Attend any necessary classes, dress rehearsals, and performances.

  5. Fundraising Committee: Coordinate, conduct, and monitor appropriate fundraisers that will help meet the financial needs of FLAME. Committee members also provide the PAC with financial results within two weeks of fundraiser completion. (may be done outside of FLAME hours)

  6. On Call Substitute: Serve as a  back-up Classroom Assistant or  nursery or hall monitor in the event the appointed person cannot be at FLAME due to illness, family emergency, etc. This person would need to commit to being available to substitute on assigned Fridays.

  7. Photography Committee: Take candid photos of students, artwork, and concerts, as well as formal class pictures. Create slideshow for year-end performances using pictures taken throughout the year. May also work with PAC to investigate options for recording final performances.

  8. Publicity Committee. Inform the community of FLAME productions using media deemed suitable, appropriate and consistent with FLAME’s values. Design, reproduce, and distribute posters and invitations for the use of FLAME families. Design, reproduce, and deliver programs for FLAME performances. (May be done outside of FLAME hours)
  9. Reception Set-up/Clean-up Committee. Arrange and set-up reception before the spring showcase, replenish and consolidate food as needed, and ensure the location is back to its original state after the event. 

  10. T-shirt Committee: Coordinate the ordering of FLAME t-shirts, communicate with the printing company, collect money, and distribute t-shirts to students.  Coordinates with PAC treasurer. (May be done outside of FLAME hours)

  11. Tour Coordinator: Plans and executes the High School Choir Tour at the end of FLAME year, including arranging concert venues and planning the post tour party.  Must work in conjunction with HS Choir director and PAC treasurer. (May be done outside of FLAME hours)

1. *

Please select either a weekly position (classroom assistant, set up crew, clean up crew, nursery or hall monitor) OR a variable position (which may include a combination of on call substitute, committee assignments, etc.  

I prefer a weekly position serving at FLAME I prefer a variable position
I'm serving on the PAC/an instructor

If you chose a weekly assignment, please answer the following:

I would prefer to be on set up crew, arriving at 8:30 AM I would prefer being a classroom assistant
I would prefer to be on clean up crew. I will have a student enrolled in a 4th period class.
3. *

If you have a preference for classroom assistant, please indicate it below

 (1 required)
Joy Art (8:45-10:20) Kingdom Choir (8:45-10:15)
Middle School Art (8:45-10:30) High School Drama (8:45-10:30)
Joy Foods (10:05-11:35) Kingdom Art (10:05-11:35)
MS/HS Choir (10:05-11:45) High School Art (10:05-11:50)
Joy Choir (11:45-1:20) Kingdom Gym (11:45-1:15)
Middle School Drama (11:45-1:25) High School ASL (11:45-1:25)
Joy Gym (1:05-2:35) Kingdom Foods (1:05-2:35)
Middle School ASL (1:05-2:45) High School Choir (1:05-2:45)
No preference - any class is fine I prefer to help in my child's class
I prefer not to help in my child's class I signed up for a different volunteer position
I’m on the PAC
4. *

First Choice of class periods to help at FLAME on either a regular or occasional basis:

 (1 required)
First period Second period
Third period Fourth period
Before FLAME (start at 8:30) After FLAME (finish by 2 at the latest)
5. *

Second Choice of class periods to help at FLAME on either a regular or occasional basis:

 (1 required)
First period Second period
Third period Before FLAME (start at 8:30)
After FLAME (finish by 2 at the latest) PAC/instructor
6. *

Third choice of class periods to help at FLAME on either a regular or occasional basis:

 (1 required)
First period Second period
Third period Before FLAME (start at 8:30)
After FLAME (finish by 2 at the latest) PAC/instructor
7. *

Parent's Talents and Skills, (including previous experience serving with FLAME) 

(i.e. graphic design, theater, sewing (simple costume pieces), accounting, photography/videography, fundraising, music/singing, etc)


8. *

Do you have young (under 6 yrs) children?


Special Circumstances you would like the PAC to consider when assembling committees and service groups




We agree to abide by the following rules of FLAME: 

I. Accept FLAME’s Statement of FAITH and understand these principles are taught and upheld in classes. 


1. The Bible is God’s revealed truth. It is our guide for correct living and thinking.

2. There is one God. Within the nature of one God exists three persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

3. Salvation is a gift from God.  Salvation results from confessing sin, repenting, and trusting in Christ, who shed His blood to be our personal Savior.

II. Maintain respectful behavior with instructors, parents, and students. The following will not be tolerated: disrespectful speech or rudeness to authority or classmates, willful disobedience or non participation, crude or foul language, physical aggression, continually speaking when not appropriate, or inappropriate use of a motor vehicle.  Cell phones should be turned off during FLAME hours.  Sharp objects or anything construed as a weapon are forbidden. 

III. Make respectful use of rented facilities.  Office areas, phones, and copy machines are off limits. Wipe muddy and wet feet. Remain quiet in hallways. No running allowed. Only students enrolled in class or under adult supervision are allowed in the building. Younger students are not allowed outside without supervision. 

IV. Abide by the dress code. Inappropriate clothing is as follows:  exposed undergarments or revealing clothing; spaghetti straps; backless, halter, low-cut, or midriff shirts; and short shorts.  No off the shoulder shirts and leggings must be worn with a shirt that covers the bottom.  Shirts must be long enough to cover midriffs, even when raising hands above head for choreography. Shirts that display tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or vulgar language or pictures are also inappropriate. Skirts and slits in skirts should not be more than three inches above the knee. Pants should be worn properly and not sagging or falling off. 

V. Follow the tuition and refund policies.  Total tuition due upon receipt of online registration form, unless you choose the Optional Tuition Payment Plan.  

VI. Meet attendance requirements. Classes meet on Friday and are mandatory. Parents should notify instructors of absences. More than three unexcused absences results in a dismissal. 

VII. Understand the Disciplinary Process.  (1) The first offense of inappropriate behavior will be addressed with a clear verbal warning. An instructor or PAC member will notify parents. (2) A second episode will result in the student being removed from the activity and counseled by a parent administrator; the episode will be documented on a disciplinary form to be kept on file. The student will be returned to class with his/her parents notified. The parents will be asked to intervene. (3) A third offense will be documented and will result in the child being removed from the class for the rest of the semester. Tuition fees will be forfeited. 

10. *

We, parents, have read and agree to comply with the rules and standards of FLAME.

 (1 required)
11. *

I (child) have read and agree to comply with the rules and standards of FLAME, and enter my name below to signify my agreement.

Families Learning Art, Music & Educational Skills, Inc. (FLAME) 


In consideration of being permitted to enroll and participate in any program affiliated FLAME, the undersigned, for himself/herself and any personal representatives, heirs and next of kin, hereby acknowledges, agrees and represents that he/she finds and accepts the program as being safe and reasonably suited for participation. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the aforementioned program, the undersigned hereby agrees to the following:

Waiver and Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement

1. The undersigned hereby releases, waives, discharges, and covenants not to sue the FLAME, its officers, employees and agents (hereinafter referred to as “Releasees”) from all liability to the undersigned, his/her personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin for any loss or damage and any claims or demands therefor on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in the death of the undersigned, whether caused by the negligence of Releasees or otherwise while the undersigned is in, upon or about any facilities or equipment therein, or participating in any program affiliated with FLAME without respect to location. 

2. The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Releasees and each of them from any loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned using any facilities or equipment or participating in any program affiliated with FLAME, whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise. 

3. The undersigned hereby assumes full responsibility for risk of bodily injury or death due to negligence of Releasees or otherwise while participating in any program affiliated with FLAME. 

4. The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing release, waiver and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. 

5. The undersigned has read and voluntarily signed the release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement and further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. 

6. I agree to support the leadership and encourage my child(ren) to comply with the rules and standards of FLAME. I furthermore expressly waive any and all causes of action I or my child(ren) might have against FLAME or its representatives as a result of any injuries or damages that might occur during a FLAME activity. I acknowledge that I assume complete responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury that I or my child(ren) might sustain while participating in any event or activity sponsored by FLAME.  

7. Photo/Video Release: I hereby give permission for images, video, and recordings of my child(ren) to be captured during FLAME activities to be used solely for FLAME classes and activities, including, but not limited to, instructor planning and evaluation, end of year slideshows, and presentations at FLAME events. These images and video shall NOT be posted to any social media without a separate agreement. Teachers will be instructed to delete any outstanding images, video, or recordings from their personal devices at the end of the FLAME school year. I give permission for photos/videos of my child(ren) to be taken by FLAME and used on the FLAME website and other FLAME materials as long as no identifying information is included.


For Parents/Guardians/Adults:

This is to certify that I/we, as parent(s)/guardian(s)/adult(s) with legal responsibility for participant(s), do consent and agree to his/her/their release, as provided above, of all the Releasees and, for myself/ourselves, my/our heirs, assigns and next of kin, release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liability incident to my/our/minor child’s involvement or participation in the above program, even if arising from negligence of the Releasees. This release includes release of all costs for medical treatment for which I/we are responsible. 

12. *

List names of each Parent(s)/Guardian(s) 

13. *

In order to promote the safety of children participating in FLAME classes, we require a background check on every adult who is directly involved with children.  This bacground check is done every other year, and only looks for issues related to child safety - it does not collect or investigate financial information or driving records.  

14. *

Name of parent(s) who will be serving at FLAME, for background check

Payment Instructions

You will receive an email with the amount due (within 24 hours).  Payment must be received or postmarked by August 6th, 2024 to confirm your registration.  Late payments may be assessed a late payment fee, or may result in the student being moved to the waitlist. 

Tuition Payment Plan:  
The first payment is due with your registration, and must include the registration fee and all class material fees.  (If you have more than one student taking ASL, and wish them to share books to reduce the class materials fee, you must send an email to [email protected], with ASL in the subject line. You will receive an invoice with the adjusted amount via email, and may then make your payment.)
The remaining tuition amount may be split into a maximum of 5 equal payments and paid on the second Friday of October, November, December, January and February.  Failure to make payments may result in student(s) being suspended or dismissed from classes.  
To Pay Online (with an additional 3% transaction fee) 
1. In the section labeled "Outstanding Balances" go to the far right "Pay" column Or View Statement of Account to Pay and click on the faint yellow box with "0.00" in it.

2. Type in the dollar amount that you intend to pay (minimum is the $75 registration fee plus the total of all class materials fees) and enter. The "Pay Now" button should change orange

3. Click "Pay Now".  You be taken to a screen with the amount you filled in plus the 3% transaction fee.

4. Fill out your Billing and Credit Card information and click "Complete Payment"

To Pay by Check:
Checks should be made out to FLAME for the total amount due, OR the first payment of the Tuition Payment Plan.
Checks should be mailed to 
FLAME Treasurer
c/o LifeCenter Madison
4402 Femrite Dr
Madison, WI 53716
Any checks returned due to insufficient funds will be assessed a $35 fee.  


Registrants who withdraw from a class by midnight on October 6th will be refunded tuition. Material fees are not refundable.

In order to receive a refund, a parent must contact a PAC member --by phone, by email or in person-- by midnight on October 6, 2023.

Thereafter, full tuition payment is required. The Tuition Payment Plan will still be available after a registrant withdraws from a class.

Unpaid tuition, from a previous year, is due before registration will be open to the family again.


Don't Forget: 

1. Enroll in classes (You can register by selecting classes from either the class catalog OR the class matrix)

2. Check your email for an invoice.  (It will arrive within 24 hours).  Pay online, or mail your registration check.  Checks must be postmarked by, and/or payment received by, August 6th.

3. Mark important upcoming dates on your calendar.